2016年4月29日 星期五




〈我們應該更好一點〉         〈We Should've Been Better〉

(在捷運上              (On the MRT
身旁一老人拿著手機忘情說著      Beside me was an old man holding a phone and talking wildly
「我們應該更好一點啊」        “We should’ve been better”
他的嗓音非常有感染力         His voice was very contagious
我有些害羞聽到了這麼私密的話語    I was a bit shy to hear such private sentences
覺得像句詩一樣美           Thinking it as beautiful as a poem
但看身邊站著 坐著的年輕男孩女孩   However the young boys and girls standing or sitting
都低頭看著自己的手機         Around me were all phubbing
這於是像在一個只有他做內心獨白的   It turned out to be like a quiet dream in which he was
安靜夢境 他說            presenting interior monologues. He said,
「你看看我們一起經歷過那麼多事」   “Look, we‘ve experienced so many things together”
我不知他是對老妻           I had no idea whether he was talking to his old wife,
情人 不理他的兒子          Valentine, son who had left him,
或年輕時的兄弟            Or the buddy he had met at his early age,
或生意的死對頭            Or the rival on business,
或因細故爭吵幾十年沒聯絡的老姊姊   Or the elder sister,
說著這些?              Who hadn’t been in contact for tens of years due to trivia
他的一字一句 都非常沉痛       His every single word was pretty bitter,
後頭有極深的情感           With extremely deep affection behind
我不知為何 為他說的 非常感動)   I don’t know the reason why I was really moved by what he said)

我們應該更好一點           We should’ve been better
我們不該坐得那麼遠啊         We are not supposed to sit that far from each other
我們好像在相同的笨拙時光作過同樣   We seem to have done the same gymnastic moves at the
的體操動作              Same awkward time
我們讀過同樣的一些好小說       We have read the same good novels
我們一起經歷了            We together experienced
冥王星從太陽系被除名         The delisting of Pluto from Solar System
或是那一年漫天焚燒的獅子座流星雨   Or the Leonids which burned the whole sky at that year
我們同樣在最年輕的時候        We both at our youngest age
聽了那首和梵谷對話的歌        Listened to the song talking to Van Gogh
感動得靈魂最裡頭偷偷揭開的一個    Being so touched that a delicate rip torn in the deepest soul
姴口 至今沒有癒合          Has not healed yet to date
我們同時站在不同街角的幮窗外     We were meanwhile standing outside the show windows at
看到黛安娜王妃殞命          Different corners, seeing Princess Diana pass away,
呆立而感到遙遠的傷心         Standing still and feeling a remote sorrow
你模仿過麥可傑克森的月球漫步     You’ve once imitated Michael Jackson’s moonwalk
我們同樣曾在情書上寫下那句      We’ve both written what the Little Fox told the Little Prince
小狐狸對小王子說的          “Please tame me”
「請你 豢養我」           On those love letters
我們同樣到了對自己的一生百感交集   We both have mixed feelings for our own life
卻對有限餘生仍惶然          And yet feel puzzled about the limited rest of life,
如剛學步的嬰孩            Like a baby just learning to walk
我們同樣在目睹電視上911那超現實     We both mourned with a hilarious face while watching 911,
場景時 臉孔滑稽的哀鳴        A surreal scene, on TV
「靠 第三次世界大戰要開打了」    “Damn, the Third World War is coming”

我曾在路邊公用電話          I’ve been at a payphone beside the road
對著像在銀河那端           Talking to the girl, who was lonely, silent,
寂靜無聲的女孩            And seemingly at the other side of Milky Way
說著逗她開心的笑話          Telling some jokes pleasing her
一枚一枚落下的銅幣          Coins falling one after another
發出像雨簷水滴 最後如溪流的美聲   Made beautiful sounds of eavesdrops and of brook at last
我們曾經歷隱形眼鏡的發明       We’ve experienced the invention of contact lens
錄音磁帶的發明            And cassette
我們是曾因為阿姆斯壯 曾在小學的   We are the ones who wrote “astronaut,”
我的志願 寫過「太空人」       An unrealistic occupation, as our career during elementary
這樣不切實際職業的一代人       School, because of Armstrong
我們是經歷過二十世紀最後一天的    We are the lucky humans
那幸運的人類             Who’ve been through the last day of 20th century

我們那麼脆弱             We are so fragile
我們那麼孤單             We are so alone
我們在只有自己的夜街上        We are on the night streets of our own
兩眼閃閃發光             With a pair of shimmering eyes
夢像啤酒杯上面表面張力的漲滿     Dreams surge up like the surface tension on a beer mug
學著牛仔掏槍的動作          Imitating how a cowboy draws his gun
幻想自己在拳擊場踩著腳步跳躍     Imagining stepping and jumping on the boxing arena
或以為自己做出喬丹從罰球線起跳    Or making the postures just as how Jordan jumped at the
鳥類展翅飛行的姿勢          Penalty- shot line and how birds fly
我們一起經歷過那麼多事        We’ve experienced so many things together
我們那麼渺小             We are so tiny
我們拿著回憶柴房裡          We are holding so many so many sticks,
那麼多那麼多可以點燃篝火       Which can be set fire on and create shivering shadows,
照出搖晃陰影的樹枝          In the lodge of memory,
不知如何是好             Not knowing what else should be done
我們只是一顆短暫將被蒸發的晨露    We are just a speck of short-lasting evaporating morning dew
我們應該更好一點           We should’ve been better

2 則留言:

  1. 2019年還是會突然想起駱以軍這段文字,一搜尋竟然有人同樣喜歡還進行了翻譯!

    1. 真的!知道自己的喜歡也受到別人的喜歡真的很開心~~~謝謝你的留言!
